Monday, November 8, 2010

Fabu Husbands

Have I ever shared with you what my husband did one night to make me smile? If I have amuse me and read it again. ;)

After the longest RADtastic day that probably involved bodily fluids, he walked up to me, handed me a glass of wine and said, "Proverbs 31: 6, my love."

Honestly, after a long day of being rejected by my daughter and my heart withering in sadness I really didn't want to hear about how I was still some Proverbs 31 woman. As if despite my failures and my daughters hatred of me, I was still making it work. I didn't feel like I was and couldn't handle the standard at the moment.

I think by the look on my face, he could tell what I thought he was saying. "Just go see."

Well, the sweetness of the wine and the ridiculousness of his joke certainly ended my evening on a much better note.

No, I'm not going to tell you. Go look it up. And just know I am clinking your glass from the Sonoran Desert. :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

♥ to you

There have been days over the last few months where my heart has been heavy for not writing here. I have felt guilt over leaving this blog quiet. But I have come to terms with the fact that it just needs to be what it needs to be. It's here to be an authentic outlet for our real life. And lately my real life with attachment disorder has resulted in a lot of not wanting to talk about attachment disorder. Sometimes you just need to say no. Ya know? So we will post when we can and I quadruple promise to be better about checking our email (attachinghearts at yahoo dot com)

You are loved and not alone. Cyber hugs........

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Flower ♥

This was sent in by a reader. Isn't it lovely? I imagine it bringing a smile to her face the way it did mine.

Send us your hearts. . . our little spontaneous reminders of God's love in the midst of our chaos.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Torturing a RADish

Phone rings.

Girlfriend shares how my little RADish blatantly disobeyed me.

She's a good friend.

She shares it with no condemnation. No shame.

With kindness, reminding me that the Lord is faithful to reveal all sin.

She knows I don't actually care about the issue.

She knows I care much more about the distance between my heart and my daughter's heart.

She tells me to do what I want with the information.

After a very long week of pee on my floor, ignoring my voice, making a mess of her lessons and generally stirring up strife in our home, I decide to see what I can elicit with this information.

In other words TORTURE her!!! I don't mean for it to sound so fun. . .

She doesn't know who I just got off the phone with or what was said.

I simply say, "Well, bummer! That was such a disappointing phone call. Now I know that you are trying to hide from Mommy. But the Lord is faithful to reveal sin. He loves you that much! that He would let me know about even the secret things so we can deal with them and help your heart get stronger. I want you to come and sit right near me as I make dinner. I want to give you some time to think about your choices. I hope you will choose tell me what you are hiding from me."

(now insert tears, whining, carrying on and me smiling and telling her I know you can use your words!)

she is a twisted mess right now. I know she is dying trying to figure out which hidden thing I now know about. She would rather die than give up this control.

So I'll wait.

She is healing enough now that it won't be long. Maybe not tonight, but not long.

I know she will choose us.

And her choosing to tell me---to trust me---will be 1000x better than me coming down on her for an incident that doesn't really matter

always choose the heart, ladies. always choose the heart.