Monday, July 21, 2008


In the throws of the most difficult of days, be quite certain you will be attacked.  One of the enemy's favorites in adoptive families is:

This is Ishmael, not Isaac

But we know that is a lie.  Because the Lord creates families-on purpose.   He decided before the beginning of all time the children that would be in your family-biological or adopted.  It is hard, though, when the doubts creep in.  I am not saying don't search your heart. We always need to have a short list with the Lord.   What I am saying, is protect your heart from the lies that will prevent you from being the parent you need to be to this child.  My encouragement to you is to write down the love story of how you committed to your child.  What stirred your heart to know this child was yours?  What circumstances led to the perfect time of he or she coming home?  Hold on to those moments, beloved.  He has purpose for this child, in your home, in your family.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking that as women we tend to look to feelings. For us, feelings are evidence, they affirm and confirm what is. Feelings tell us that things are good or right, or not. But as Christian mothers to these children, we have to go against our natural tendency and operate outside of feelings. They are not trustworthy in telling us whether or not we are doing a good job or how all of this will turn out in the end. For us, the gratification is a faith matter--delayed, hoped for, prayed for, but ultimately unnecessary for directing our steps today.